Yesterday, I was in a place where I often am.
In this place, there are many computers and little accountability.
Due largely to my family situation, it had been a long time since I have been faced with my old archenemy, the temptation to lust.
However, as my tired brain began to wander, the old feelings returned and I found myself staring it in the eyes.
SO, having read much of Edridge's material I decided to be a real man...
And ran out of there like a bat out of hell
with my tail tucked between my legs.
I felt weak,
I felt defeated,
Upon arriving home
I kissed my wife and son
And when I told my tale, it could not have been clearer
I was her knight in shining armor who had just slain his dragon.
"A Christian empties himself in order to be full,
Admits he is wrong so he can be declared right,
Goes down in order to get up
Is strongest when he is weakest
Richest when he is poorest
And happiest when he feels worst.
He dies so he can live,
Forsakes in order to have
Gives away in order to keep
Sees the invisible
Hears the inaudible
And knows that which passes knowledge."
A. W. Tozer
it gets easier as you go...
now you know how you will react next time!
victory indeed!
strength and honor
I'm so proud of you! And praise God for the good wife you can run to, who will remind you of your strength, not your weakness.
Victory belongs to those are faithful to God. He is faithful to you. He will arm you. Beat the temptation back O'faithful one. Dad
Daniel would be proud. Good encouragment, I need to work on this area a lot more. Then again, I don't have a wife..
But no exuse, I shall give my all anyways. Keep it real. Clay
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