It occurred to me that much of my life is spent asleep at the teet.
God is always there
He is always wanting to pour out his blessings on me
He wants me to grow
He wants me to trust
He wants me to love
He wants to nourish me with all the fullness that comes from life in Him
The nipple's in my mouth
But I just don't suck
Don't be so hard on yourself. If it's any consolation, I've always thought that you suck. And probably more than most people. I'm sure anyone who reads your blog would agree that you suck.
Aww...you're just saying that. I am touched.
you are a funny guy!
new dads always have the most interesting new metaphors to run with...
and i'm with brandon, i think you suck and i also think you should just keep on sucking
Ew! Last Sunday my preacher compaired communion with intercourse and now my brother is talking about sucking on God's teet. What's wrong with you people!?
You are all sick and you all suck. Dad
This reminds me of when Shane Claiborne is talking about disproving of the whole God Bless America thing. God has already said who he will bless (i.e. Matt 5) What we need to do is surround ourselves with those people, take advantage of those situations. Then we won't have to ask for God's blessing on something, he'll already be giving it to us.
Ps. If it's any consolation, I feel this way alot, sometimes while looking back at oppurtunites that I had. Clay
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