Why is it so easy to procrastinate when it comes to doing the right thing?
I was watching the Count of Monte Cristo last night and it struck how long it was until Dantes did what was right. He had sought his own path to the end before devoting anything to God. In the above scene, he has exacted revenge on everyone who had wronged him, THEN he devotes all that was used for revenge to be used for good.
Another kind of procrastination is ridding yourself of undesireables, Pharoah said, "Tomorrow" when asked when he would like the plague of the frogs to be removed. WHY NOT TODAY! (I think there is a book about this). I often put off dealing with my sin in the same way. But my greater struggle is to do good now and not wait around for it to fit into my schedule.
James warns against making grand plans for tomorrow and neglecting today ending with, "He who knows the good he ought to do, and doesn't do it, SINS.
Why do we squander the time God gave us in waiting for a tomorrow that might not be there. I remember as a Youth Ministry student being placated by the thought of future ministry. It freed me to do what I wanted to do now. This attitude has not left me. I see those with more wealth than I and privately yearn for the day when I will have that much to give. All the while, my pockets are full, and others are going hungry. What am I waiting for?
I resolve to change this lazy attitude in myself...tomorrow.
1 comment:
"I resolve to change this lazy attitude in myself...tomorrow."
a hahahahahaha
great post man, i'm in the same shoes pretty much. just trying to do today what would be easier to put off till tomorrow.
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