I've got Moses on the mind.
As I have been reading through Exodus, I can't get past Moses' call.
I feel a great connection with him. I feel his doubt as he argues against God's persistence that Moses isn't worthless.
And like Moses, I want to look God in the face and tell him to promise me that he will be there blessing my efforts. I think it also has to do with the time of year.
It is about that time of year again.
Sometime in the near future, I believe my elders will meet with me to evaluate my ministry role at our church. It is time of great insecurity for me.
I have yet to get a bad report and yet I feel that there is so much more I could be doing.
A minister friend said he feels like God could use a stick to do his job.
My reply was that God is using a stick; a carefully grown, honed, sharpened, and shaped stick that God has developed for a specific purpose.
Yet even as the words left my mouth, I felt the creeping insecurities enter my own mind.
What good AM I doing?
My concern is not that I have no talent. It is that I bury my talent.
Not in some unassuming humility sort of way, but in a lazy servant sort of way.
I know that I am no more than a stick that is nothing without God, but a hoe is only a sharp stick until it lets itself be used by the master and breaks the ground.
I'm tired of being a sharp stick, I want to be a hoe.