Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dooma Video


Anonymous said...

Wow! This really speaks to me. It says... "Your brother is a great videographer, very creative, but he's pretty much lost his mind... and he's never allowed to babysit my children."

Really good. I like the nod to Rob Bell.

Brandon said...

Funny, creative, youtube worthy!

capnwatsisname said...

After I saw this, I immediately placed membership at my local emerging church.


Drew said...

That makes it all worth it. I like to know that I have made the difference in someone else's life. As Michael from the office would say, "I like to think of myself as a great philanderer."

Brian said...

I just lost all respect for you as a human being. And I think that I threw up in my mouth a little bit.I will no longer teach with you, eat with you, or breathe the same air as you. I will be asking my dad to request for your immediate resignation from our congregation and Obion County ASAP.................... Not really, but you might want to consider filling out an application for Bolivar when you get a chance. They have great mental help for people like you there at their hospital, I will email you the application.

Anonymous said...

Not Funny...cut it out!

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon this, and must say, I loved every second of it! Thanks!

Bluecanary said...

That was hilarious. I look forward to seeing it in context. I love the wonderful use of nonScriprture.