In Daniel 7, visions are revealed to Daniel regarding the future of God's people. In these visions he sees a great persecution of God's people but it is revealed to him that ultimate victory and salvation belongs to the saints. Even with this knowledge, Daniel said he was "deeply troubled by my thoughts and my face turned pale, but I kept the matter to myself."
A commentary on the chapter suggests that the burden could largely be because he kept the matter to himself.
Daniel had trouble looking past the persecutions to see the ultimate salvation. I have the same problem (see "Dry Bones" post). A good friend of mine who is a Youth Minister in Kentucky, shared with me the same sentiments. Only recently have I been able to articulate and share my concerns for the future of God's people, but perhaps by sharing these fears, we can be built up and en-couraged to meet the future head on.
1 comment:
Man I can so relate. We so often keep things to ourselves and it just eats you up. It did me for years, until I realized that not only did I have a great lawyer that would plead on my behalf, Christ, but I also have friends now like you, Curtis, Bill, Jimmy, and many others, that helped me understand what building others up and edification was all about. And through those relationships there have been so many doors that have been opened for Christ. He tells us that we don't have to keep carrying that burden. I just figured out in the last year that not only does he carry it for me, but my brothers in Christ like you make it alot less heavy when problembs arise.
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