In my walk through the bible (literally since I listen while walking with my son Jude every morning), I have come to Ezekiel 37. This verse is not one that is new to me, having known of the Dry Bones ministry in Denver for several years, which centers it's philosophy of ministry around God's supreme ability to raise to life the dead in any situation(the picture above was copied from their website). It just so happens that those dry bones where only MOSTLY dead.
I think that most Christians believe that principle at some level intellectually. I also think that it is proportionally easier to believe with the increase of distance. I have no trouble believing in the great revivals of China and Africa, but it is very difficult for me to see hope in the churches of America.
There are such vast forces arrayed against us that it often appears to be a hopeless situation. When I was young, school kids with regular access to pornography were in the vast minority. Recently, I had to confront a parent with the fact that their 9 year old was viewing hard core pornography on their home computer. And this is one of the good families, one of the best. It terrifies me to think of how many children are growing up with unchecked sexual addictions. Just like any drug, pornography leads to heavier doses, and more fatal drugs. I fear that the sexual crime rate will be skyrocketing very soon.
I also recently heard a statistic that only about 10% of children today are growing up in a family with both biological parents. 1 out of 10 children are being raised in a family like the one God designed. The numbers of fatherless boys is at an epidemic level.
What can the church do in such times?
Even the ideal church would be hard pressed to serve the world in times like these. But look at the condition of our church. We are so utterly divided, we are almost unrecognizable as the body of Christ. Of the 15 or so Churches of Christ in the county, there are only two that we can fellowship with. There are much more splits than mergers, and so many issues that divide those who still worship in the same building.
I do feel like Elisha's servant when surrounded by Arameans. I pray that God opens my eyes so that I can see HIS ARMY with my own eyes. I believe he can raise up these dry bones, I just need help overcoming my unbelief.
1 comment:
I hear you brother. I can say this; I grew up in the church that both you and I attend. And I can tell you alot of things have changed there even since I was a kid. But you nailed it, it seems at times that we can't even overcome divivions in our group of believers that meet reguarly in our building. I think it is such a tough topic to bring up, but what is so weird is that it is such an easy topic to overcome. It felt great to do Sharefest this year. It felt great when I spoke at the Baptist Church. I know it felt great to you when you did the fourth quarter. Something that ringds true to me is that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. That is everyone, and at the same time when we get to hang out with the big guy in his kingdom, there is going to be alot more knees bowed than those 15 or so in the county. The way I see it as that we live by example, and we do just what your site says, like James said, we be slow to speak and quick to listen. Good thoughts brother, they challenge me.
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