I apologize for the long absence of posts. I have been experiencing some technical difficulties that have hindered my devotional time. My mp3 player that I use to listen to the bible has been malfunctioning and my internet filter decided to block the blogs that I use to go deeper in my devotional time. It has been a difficult time with many things to do, but little foundation with which to do them. I have come to realize that my dependence on these things should not be limiting. I was griping about the mp3 player when a friend informed me that the bible now comes in hard copy. Then Miller reminded me that the word should be written on my heart and I should be able to draw strength from that. As for the blogs, I have many books on my shelf and a pen and paper that would suffice during my devotional time.
I can relate to Miller's paraphrase, "woe to you who are filled up with your things."
I have mentioned many times that Sarah and I NEEDED to get a car with more room, but then I saw these pictures and it made me think what do I really need?
Do I need more Cargo space?

Do I need more seating?

Do I need room for a Childseat?

I am pretty sure the Lord has blessed me with all that I need!
You don't need room for a childseat if you want to be involuntarily thrust into jail ministry.
sometimes we really do need things like roomier cars. i promise you that none of the people in those pictures would turn one down if offered one.
(just imagine what these people could do with an SUV... the bike dude would move the world!)
BTW, i forgive you for the long absence... just don't let it happen again :)
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