I have been reading in Leviticus.
For the first time in a long time I have been finding it very interesting.
It is amazing how much sacrifice was required for sins.
It also struck me how there was a voluntary fellowship offering.
It reminded me of communion.
When we commune, we recognize:
The sacrifice required by our sins
The body to which we belong
And the suffering that we fill up in ourselves that was lacking.
We seldom think in terms of community, even in communion.
I think it is part of the curse of being in the modern world.
If we are to succeed, it is up to us.
If we are to fail, it is because of our shortcomings.
It was not always so.
Wouldn't it be great to have a Christian community where we rely on God and each other.
I think I'll be Amish.
or Davidian
"Wouldn't it be great to have a Christian community where we rely on God and each other."
how might it look if this were to become a reality?
what might it take for it to become reality?
when do you think you could start?
no shit...
i really would like to know!
Let me backpeddle a bit.
I truly desire an environment where Christians rely on God and each other, but I don't think we are on the same page about what it would look like.
The church I serve with has its problems like any church, but I believe we are moving in a very promising direction.
We all have different jobs where we come in contact with countless people living in the dark. IN times of need, resources are shared generously. Throughout the week, our members meet with each other for accountability and prayer. We have an alcoholic deacon, drug addict teachers, a porn addict minister, and several other broken people leading our church.
We have teenagers who are starting up bible studies with their school friends, in addition to the teen bible studies hosted at our building. I feel secure financially, relationally, and spiritually. not by any merit of my own, but because I am a part of the body of Christ. I believe the Christian community is found in the same way John 17 unity is found...in the heart. WE can never get Christians all over the world to meet together, or share the same name, but by viewing others as our Christian brothers, we have achieved unity, even if the others don't recognize it as such. If I, truly view myself as a part of a body that depends on the various gifts of all its parts, and recognize the leadership and sustaining power of Christ in everything I do, then I have achieved Christian community.
I guess my real question is...
How can we get our worship services to reflect that? And how can we project that to the world without isolating ourselves?
Even as I say all of this, there is a nagging doubt that I am missing out on something greater that might be found in your vision of community. Maybe it is fear or immaturity, if so, then please pray that God opens my eyes to a greater vision.
i could pick your statements apart but that would make us both feel crappy... and that is not my intent.
however, your reply is not consistent with your original post. why do you need to back peddle? you obviously long for something deeper... and if you do you can bet many others do as well!
you ask how you might get your worship services to reflect your dream for community. i think the only way to get the worship services to reflect it is to start living it 24/7...
all of you eventually but it has to start with you.
i think your services probably reflect the truth of what your church is...
if it isn't deeper community, then what is it?
why do you need to back peddle?
Because you misunderstood me.
i could pick your statements apart but that would make us both feel crappy...
Picking statements apart is one of the only ways I know to show their validity, so go ahead.
i think the only way to get the worship services to reflect it is to start living it 24/7...
If you had been listening, you would know that I believe our church is doing just that to a great extent. I just don't think the average visitor on Sunday morning would see that. I don't believe that living together in a village is either practical or beneficial. I do long for that kind of community, but I don't see it happening this side of heaven. You are familiar with THE VILLAGE. The only good point I think it made, is that no matter how you try to isolate yourselves from the world, you bring the corruption with you.
As for inconsistencies in my writing, I sure hope there are plenty. If everything I wrote was consistent, it would mean I am not changing and growing...which is precisely the point of this blog. This is not a scholarly essay, it is my turbulent thoughts poured out so that I can work through them with the help of others. So keep making me think:)
peace bro, i respect and admire you greatly.
you said you backpeddled because i misunderstood you...
i don't think i did. i merely asked three questions...
how might it look if this were to become a reality?
what might it take for it to become reality?
when do you think you could start?
where in that do you here me suggesting that you start a village?
i was listening quite well to your comments about the successful community your church is experiencing... i just didn't hear anything that sounded like what it is you seem to want.
if it is then i'm not reading you well, sorry.
as far as picking your arguments apart, that comment had alot more to do with my own propensity for assininity than the faultiness of your argument. i frequently use one's own argument against them in an attempt to "win" an argument regardless of the validity of that argument. this tends to alienate rather than draw us closer.
as for inconsistencies in your writing... i was not talking about the scholarly nature of what you wrote, but the apparent difference between what you want and what you seem to be ready to settle for.
i love you bud and meant no disrespect or hurt. you are right to wrestle with these things here. i hope you'll continue to do so...
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