In order to remain focused on the purpose of this blog (to aid in my devotion/ reflection and to stretch and grow in my thinking and my love) I have decided to be more intentional in my approach. One of my resolutions is to break down the separation between what I write and what I do. SO...I resolve to post a blog ONLY after doing three other things: praying, reading God's word, and reading recent posts by other Christians. This way, I will never come to a discussion unprepared. It is a technique utilized by many of my professors; make all students read ALL of the material for the section, test us over that material, and then we could all enter into valuable discussion because we all have something to offer.
In addition, I will not post a blog if I have not put my faith into action by going out of my way to serve someone in the last 7 days. I know it is a pathetic thing to go an entire week without serving, but that's where I am and so that is where I must start...this is my ground zero. Hopefully I will one day be able to up the ante to not posting unless I have served someone in the last 24 hours. Till then, be praying that I will keep these commitments. I trust that God will grow me in countless ways during which I hope he will open my eyes to a whole new realm of potential growth.
Also, hold me accountable. If I haven't posted anything in a while, you can be sure that my relationship with God is not where it should be. Call me on it!
count on it!
strength and honor!
Thanks, you are truly a blessing to me.
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