It struck me as I was continuing my study in Genesis how God continually works through younger brothers. Adam's first son- bad; his second-good but killed off too early; third son-ancestor of Noah and through him everyone else. Then we have the family of promise. Abraham's oldest, Ishmael was sent out as a 'wild donkey of a man', while his next child was the blessed one. Then Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau. And even though Esau was born first, in the four thousand years that have followed, Jacob is listed first because he is the blessed one. Then Jacob marries 2 sisters, the younger is the favorite. He has 12 boys with four women and his favorites are the last two. Joseph has two sons and the younger, Ephraim, is blessed ahead of is older brother Manasseh. Even though there have been countless changes in the millennia that have followed, I am certainly glad that this divine priority hasn't changed:)
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